
Your very own January transfer window

I think we may be seeing the downside of setting a deadline the way Mike Lee did in his interview. With people presumably on the shortlist presumably turning down our offers, or not even listening to them.

What will the candidates contacted after the Newcastle game think - that we had the world’s longest shortlist? And what will we know about the new manager when he is finally announced - in December...

It's also like creating your own January transfer window - if people know you’re desperate they'll make you pay through the nose for someone you wouldn't previously have considered i.e. we could end up with a Quashie-like manager! (maybe I should have saved the Sammy pic for this post...)

Prediction: A new club official (not Spike Lee or whatever his name is) will soon come out and say that this process is way too important to rush and that a week or two is not important since the appointed manager will hopefully stay with us for years to come.

On the other hand, we could be seeing the downside of speculating about stuff based on close to zero information (i.e. 150 newspaper articles).


Anonymous said...

Det kanske vore bättre om du skrev uteslutande på svenska, för ditt svammel om Lee/styrelsen gör ingen glad.

Joppe - said...

Målet var väl kanske inte att göra någon glad och ämnet blir väl inte roligare på svenska är jag rädd